Wednesday, June 3, 2009

it is photo time!!!!

actually it is bed time but i could NOT sleep with a clear conscience unless i uploaded some GREAT photos from today....

first up is some photos from the room check for the girls. we had some STELLAR rooms this morning. neat, clean, decorated, and filled with chocolatey bribery. i love my job.

you can see our first worship service of the day... the indoor service

and the second one... the outdoor service. we did sing "in this very room" during that service, but we thought about changing the words to "in this very natural habitat" (thanks rachel for that joke). if it looks like we are singing to a side of a building... we are. but there are people inside those windows (i think). and as with most good things... you just give your all for the Lord and don't worry about the praise of man... or whether man is watching from the window or not.

and then just a few of the photos from "feed my starving children" project. this place was so wonderful. and it was really more like fun with an incredible purpose. i was so aware with every bag that i sealed that some mother would be opening it to feed her family and that it might be the ONLY meal they had that day and how GRATEFUL they would be for this food. when we were done filling bags with food and boxes with bags, we prayed over the boxes. the people there told us that in the many years of doing this they had only lost TWO shipments of boxes. which is unheard of in that kind of industry and they attribute that all to the fact that the boxes are covered with prayer. 

and then some photos of fun moments from the navy pier tonight. i had a GREAT time with a group of 6th and 7th grade boys and sammy mason birthday boy, the mason parental unit and alan kung. i have two observations from the evening. FIRST i will NEVER ride the ferris wheel with anton glass again, let's just say that he isn't a fan of heights. and SECOND to whatever lucky girl has the opportunity to go out on a date with alan kung... well, she will find a gentleman and a scholar AND a guy who know what is good food to order.

i also have to say that if your children tell you stories of erin and i DANCING wildly to an ACDC song during the fireworks that those are HUGE exaggerations of our dancing demeanor. HUGE exaggerations....

good night, God bless. and thank you for reading and for praying.


  1. I like how Lea made it look like they only made "I love you Mrs. Marshall" photos for HER during room inspections this morning. Hm. I might be revoking her computer privileges if she chooses to keep forgetting me instead of herself... (:

  2. Now girls, play nice! Mrs. Creasman says to "remember all you learned in kindergarten" Also remember that you are the Chaperones.

  3. This made my day! What a great way to start my morning off! The pictures put me in tears, tears of joy! I am so very proud of all of you and the mission you are on! Keep up the good work! What a way to improvise and make sure you are still bring the Lord to anyone who will listen. Keep having fun and don't worry about any strange stories making their way back to Tallahassee. Everyone is just so proud of way you all are doing! Have fund and enjoy day 4.
    :-) Sunnie

  4. Awesome pictures, once again. Thank you so much for sending these!!! I just hope it wasn't my girl who was irritating the other one!
