Sunday, May 31, 2009

really, a GIANT bean?

did you all know that there is a giant silver bean in the middle of downtown chicago in millennium park? it is 66 feet long and 33 feet high. it is named "the cloud gate" and it was inspired by liquid mercury. ummm, i don't really understand modern art...

but i do love the way it reflects the skyline of chicago... 

and that reminds me of all the human beans (okay "beings") that we will be taking to chicago this week and what we are all supposed to be reflecting back to that city... 

not a skyline... but a Savior. 

not an earthly city built with human hands... but the incredible love that promises us a Heavenly Home for eternity. 

not booming  businesses consumed with getting and having it all... but a life that is about giving and holding onto nothing that this world has to offer. 

from 2 corinthians chapter 3 

12 Therefore, since we have such a hope, we are very bold... 
18 And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

pray that we will reflect His glory as we are transformed as we FORGET OURSELVES and reflect GOD only. pray for us as we travel. pray for patience on the LONG bus ride. pray for a lot of bathroom breaks (i like to be specific in my prayer requests).

thank you for joining us on this journey... now who will come over and help me pack?????

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

wow, the followers are signing up in droves!

well, if 2 followers are a drove... then there is a drove of followers... 

thanks lynn and mrs. gaskins (though i know you are in it just to make sure that your boys behave themselves and even if they don't behave that i am not too close to the misbehavior with my camera). i am charging my camera batteries already, i will be ready!

and i will rest my fingers some so that i am ready to blog away...

watch out windy city because here we come... (and by "we" i mean 42 youth, 21 chaperones, and my DROVE of blog followers....)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

testing testing 1,2,3...

alrighty then. it is time to blog for choir tour 2009. off to chicago with youth and chaperones from first baptist church. and our own blog space for this year. and there will be photos... lots of photos... and matt nichols will be held up by some girls in a photo for sure...

i have to go and sleep for a week to prepare. see you soon.